Sunday, December 5, 2010

Greasy Hair

Suffering with Greasy hair?? Here is some information, tips and solutions.

So I’m sure you all wondering what causes Greasy Oily hair? It pretty much is when you have over-active sebaceous glands. The sebaceous gland produces sebum. When the sebaceous glands are working normally they are designed to keep your hair soft, waterproof, repair damage, provide essential nourishment and gives a beautiful shine to your hair, but when they overproduce it leads to limp and oily hair.
Some of the causes of overactive sebaceous glands can be Hormonal changes, the pill, genetics, not washing your hair enough and also washing your hair too frequently. It can be a bit of a catch 22. If you don’t wash your hair enough the oils can build up but if you wash too much it can cause the natural oils in your hair to go into overdrive producing too much sebum.  
So what’s a gal to do?
Some tips on keeping the situation under control are to invest in good shampoos that are designed for greasy hair. Some good ones on the market are Redken Oil Detox Shampoo and Frederic fekkai apple cider clarifying shampoo. 

 Over time these should help balance out the level of oil in your hair.  Another good idea is to purchase some dry shampoo. Dry shampoo allows you to clean your hair without the need of water so they are a great hair refresher treatment between washes and will save you some time in the morning. Try Fudge Dry Shampoo or Kloraine dry shampoo.
I would also suggest too wash your hair less frequently, like every 2 – 3 days. It might sound gross but remember how I said washing your hair can cause the natural oils in your hair to go into overdrive? You can always use the dry shampoo in between washes or wear a cute headband to disguise oily roots.

Also try and stay clear of shampoos that are designed to moisturize hair. They protect hair from dryness and leave a certain amount of oil in your hair.
Hope this advice is useful

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